Moving maternity clothes to the furthermost section of the closet, and getting back into those skinny jeans and favourite outfits are some of the most common mentations that run through a woman’s mind the moment childbirth is done with and postpartum weight sets in.
If these are your sentiments, it’s utterly normal; the average woman loves to look good and getting off the extra weight gained during pregnancy is a thought in the right direction. The good news is, a fair percentage of your pregnancy weight is actually lost in the delivery room; your baby’s weight, the placenta, and the amniotic fluid are in totality about 4 – 6kgs and you are sure to feel lighter the moment your body is delivered of them.
Tips to lose your postpartum weight
To get started, you don’t have to push your body. Pregnancy and the toil of childbirth are stress periods for the human body therefore, adequate time and care must be given for proper recovery. Postpartum weight loss shouldn’t be your focal point within the first 6 – 8 weeks after childbirth. Let your baby have your attention this period thus allowing your body enough time to mend.
Healthy nourishment is required for your body’s healing, and of course for your new-born’s steady growth too. It is therefore crucial that you play it safe by indulging in good nutritious eating. Your diet, breastfeeding, ample sleep, and exercise are factors that facilitate effective results on your weight loss journey. Here are some hints to be mindful of:Breast milk is considered the most suitable food for your baby. It is also nature’s way of helping you shed pregnancy weight – as you breastfeed, hormones that work on shrinking the uterus to its pre-baby size are produced; your baby pouch inevitably diminishes as well. You should know that breastfeeding can amazingly get at least 450 – 500 calories off you daily.
Unlike carbs, low fat foods like protein and whole grains have high fibre content that will keep you feeling full for longer periods and also help your body burn more calories – eat more of them.
Keep healthy snacks around you; they will aid in your abstinence from junk. There are wide varieties of fruits and vegetables that will not only keep hunger away but also make up part of your daily recommended nutrients.
Drink lots of water! Surprised? Drinking plenty of water is healthy; apart from filling you up, conscious efforts to drink water will keep dehydration away. This is very effective because hydration, even at its mildest, slows down your metabolism by about 3% and if this happens, losing weight becomes an almost impossible feat.
No matter how eager you are to get back into shape, get the go-ahead from your doctor before hitting the gym. Long relaxed strolls first weeks postpartum and then brisk walking as you heal, can be effectual as healthy physical activities before your body is ready for regular workouts.