Juicing is an excellent way to lose excess fat in the body. Juices have lots of micro-nutrients in them and are very low in calories.
Juice diet does not contain any fat and is rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It acts as an appetite suppressant and will thus help you lose weight.
Juice diet will help provide your body with all essential nutrients.
Recipe for weight loss juice diet
Here are the nutrient-dense fruits, veggies and herbs that make this juice ideal for weight loss.
Pineapple has anti-inflammatory benefits and sleep-enhancing benefits (which supports weight loss) while also offering a slight sweetness
Kale and lettuce:
They are known for their unusual mineral and chlorophyll content for energy and plant protein
Ginger and chilli:
These spices contain metabolic stimulating and blood sugar stabilising effects
Parsley and celery:
Parsley and celery are accessible mineral content, alkalizing effects along with its fluid retention reducing effects

For the anti-inflammatory and liver detoxification support
To improve insulin sensitivity thus providing blood sugar balance and liver support.
1/4 pineapple
4 kale leaves
2 celery stalks
4 large leaves of lettuce
1 handful of flat parsley
1 handful of curly parsley
1 lemon
1 inch (2.5 cm) piece of ginger
1 inch (2.5 cm) piece of turmeric
1-2 chillis
1. Wash your ingredients well.
2. Peel the pineapple and lemon (optional).
3. Add all ingredients through a juicer and enjoy!