Living a sedentary lifestyle is bad for the health. It has a direct, negative effect on our health and wellness. It is the reason why we are seemingly always tired, always stressed and always struggled to lose weight as a society.
There are a lot of physical activities you can engage in other to keep fit and have a healthy body.
You want to lose weight; you want a toned body, and you want to be healthy overall. Dancing is a kind of exercise you can engage in.
Why Dancing Should Be Incorporated Into Your Lifestyle
Dance is an enjoyable physical activity which you can incorporate into your lifestyle.
Dancing appeals to some who may not be active and therefore may be another alternative to exercise.
It has become an important factor in the prevention, treatment and management in several health circumstances.
Dancing doesn’t just mean the salsa or waltz, it comes in many forms, most of which work to tone your body and burn calories.
Dancing can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, body shapes and sizes. It has a wide range of physical and mental benefits which includes:

improved condition of your heart and lungs,
increased muscular strength,
endurance and motor fitness,
increased aerobic fitness,
improved muscle tone and strength,
weight management, and many other benefits.

You can dance in a group, with a partner, or on your own.
There are many different places where you can enjoy dancing, for example, at dance schools, social venues, community halls and in your home. Dancing is a very popular way to be active and keep fit, that most fitness clubs now offer dance classes in their group exercise pro