Exercises to burn off calories in common foods

Being mindful of the amount of calories in the foods we consume is key and very practical in keeping an effective weight management regimen. But sometimes, indulging in certain “comfort foods” which are mainly junk foods becomes quite hard to resist.
Junk foods are usually loaded with calories with little or no nutritional value. Yielding to them frequently may be detrimental especially for someone on a weight loss journey. However, if one is aware of the calorie content in some of these foods and the amount of exercises needed to burn off the calories, limiting consumption to the barest minimal or a total do-without might just be easy. Don’t you think so?
Imagine enjoying a chilled drink of coke knowing well that just 33cl of it contains 139 calories. Burning that off entails – 14 minutes of intense cardio (running, swimming, skipping, cycling) OR 19 minutes of strength training/body building moves using weights. Wow, right?
Are you a lover of KFC chicken and chips? A large portion of KFC French fries packs about 430 calories. Combine this with 3 KFC crispy chicken pieces with a whooping 570 calories! To use up these 1000 calories, you’ll need 2hrs 3minutes of intense cardio OR 2hrs 45minutes of strength training and dumb bell moves.
A 450g of chocolate cake without frosting contains about 1670 calories. To burn off these calories, be ready to do: 60 minutes aerobics (505 calories) + 60 minutes medium intense Pilates (450 calories) + 60 minutes skipping (720 calories) = 3 hours of moderate exercising. Alternatively, 60 minutes of HIIT (High intensity interval training/workout – sprinting, swimming, rowing, stationary boxing and circuit training routines) can also be engaged to burn off these calories acquired within few minutes of pleasure.
Let’s take a look at the amount of calories in 3 common Naija foods and how to burn them up.
1 cup of garri which makes just about a wrap of eba has 360 calories. Brisk walking for about 3-4 miles within an hour will burn off 360 calories effectively.
A slice of white bread weighs about 25g with 66 calories. Consuming 4 slices is approximately 264 calories. To work off this, do 30 minutes on the statutory bike.
Can’t do without rice? Most people can’t. A cup of cooked long-grain white rice has 206 calories. Take an hour stroll after meal to burn up the calories and you’re good to go.
The calorie content in your choice of animal protein and cooking oil especially, plus how you cook your everyday meals should also be considered when calculating calorie intake. Hence, it pays to always use healthiest methods of cooking.
Are you willing to spend all hours of your day working out? I bet not!
Treats are awesome. Nevertheless, as gratifying as having some favourite snacks and foods may seem, it’s best to limit intake of junks and calorie-laden foods to as minimal as possible. And when serving, portion control is the word!

How to Get Back In Shape

The more I scroll through social media the crazier the ideas I have. I’ve been stalking some cosmetic surgeons and celebrity trainers. I wish I could just go and hand over myself to them really.
Wouldn’t you love to spend the next week at a luxurious spa to shed those extra kilograms and lose those labs? Impractical? Okay, here is a DIY approach to getting back in shape. Let us try these more practical steps. These steps are also very effective if you are trying to get your revenge body after a break up.
1. Hit the ground running
 Start every day with physical activity. Don’t even think about it! Before checking email, taking phone calls or applying make-up, get out the door for a walk, jump on your home treadmill or go to the gym. I know you are going to complain about traffic going to work but you can also turn your house chores to a work out. Scrub that bath tub harder!
2. Eat breakfast every morning
 You should eat breakfast, preferably at home, so you’re not tempted to eat junk at the office. Skimping on breakfast usually backfires and causes over-eating later. Start with a high fiber breakfast, such as oatmeal to regulate the system and fill you up.
3. At lunch, eat only lean proteins
My new go to lunch for the past two weeks has been ewa agonyin. Beans. Lean proteins such as seafood, poultry, extra-lean red meat, fruits and veggies (fruits and veggies are an unlimited item in your menu). Banish refined starchy foods and sugars from lunch and dinner until you lose your desired weight. It doesn’t have to be fancy.
4. Give your muscles some TLC
 You must build up to at least 10,000 pedometer steps minimum — but 12,000 to 15,000 steps per day average — to lose weight and transform your health with ease. Those fitbit that are in fashion now have an actual purpose. You can also download similar apps on your devices.
5. Drink
 Drink water, that is. Rehydration is key. Focus on downing six to eight glasses of water daily. Add a lemon or orange slice for vitamin C to burn fat and decrease inflammation. Both your stomach and skin will thank you for it!
6. Eat light at night
At night time, you want to consume fewer calories than you would early in the day. Soup is ideal for helping you feel satisfied with fewer calories, so you don’t go to bed feeling too full and can wake up hungry for a good breakfast in the morning.
7. Sleep at least seven to eight hours, nightly
 Study after study has shown that sleep disturbances are correlated with weight problems. I know it may not be possible every time but you have to try.
8. It takes a village
 Spend your time with like-minded people and avoid people who will sabotage your goals. This is an important feature of being at a spa, one reason being there makes achieving weight-loss goals so easy. If your spouse or friends are not on board, it will be difficult to stick with any plan.

Fuel Up: Pre-Work Out Nutrition Ideas

Is it necessary to eat ahead of a workout especially in the mornings? How often do you skip meals before heading out to the gym? For fear of restrictions from feeling full or sometimes seen as extra stress, not bothering with food prior to workouts comes quite easy. But in reality, this isn’t ideal. You may not know, but it’s a possible way of undoing the very thing you’re working hard to achieve. Do you know that exercising on an empty stomach often leads to unhealthy breakdown of muscle tissues?
Ever experienced your tummy growling in hunger during a workout? Starting workouts without fuelling is totally wrong. Whether trying to lose weight, build muscles, or simply to keep fit, your body needs fuel (energy) for workouts. Eating provides your body the burst of energy it needs to make it through workouts. Not eating before workouts may cause light-headedness and undue fatigue as your body gets low on stored glucose. In such situations, your body uses up muscle energy. In addition, your metabolism is negatively affected and your ability to burn calories is significantly limited.
Pre-work out Meal
Eating the right foods before workouts are very vital, and in fact shouldn’t be ignored. Carbohydrates are essentially what keep your body energized during workouts. Protein is another indispensable nutrient for pre-workouts because of their muscle-building abilities.
 A mixture of healthy carbs and proteins like whole-grain cereals with low-fat milk/ yoghurt, brown rice with lean protein (fish/turkey/chicken), toasted wheat bread with eggs are some healthy sustenance to consider at least 2-3 hours before your scheduled workout. They’ll digest and absorb easily into your system and keep you energized throughout your exercise. 
However, some fruits and vegetables also contain healthy essential carbs that are crucial and should be on your pre-workout diet list. Carbs in fruits are quick digesting thus immediate source of energy right before a workout. If sometimes short of time to make a meal or with less than an hour before workout, snacking on just a piece of apple or banana is all you need to fuel up 15-30 minutes earlier.  
Are you aware that some fruits are outstanding fat burners? Plus the fact that smoothies are easy, fast, filling and low-calorie ways of getting energized make a combination of vegetables and energy boosting fruits the smartest approach to get prepped before workouts.
Thinking of going the smoothie way? Here are some balanced combo suggestions:

Grape, Orange, and Spinach
Banana, Apple, Oats and Greek yoghurt
Peanut butter, Kiwi, Kale and low-fat milk/yoghurt
Almonds, Oats and Strawberries with a dash of green leaves and low-fat milk
Date fruits, Banana, Apple and Carrots

And don’t forget water, you need lots and lots of it to stay hydrated during exercises.
Pre-workout food, smoothies, or snacks? Which works best for you? It’s important to note how your body reacts to the kind of fuel you give it. Only then can you decisively figure out the most suitable eating plan.

Yoga Mama – Starter’s Posture and Benefits

Yoga helps women get through the various stages of pregnancy and post-pregnancy effortlessly. Simply said, right?
Pregnancy sure comes with so much excitement and of course, some series of challenges (considering the numerous hormonal, emotional and physical changes that accompany it). And for some women, the experience can be totally overwhelming. But over the years, lots of mums-to-be and mothers have been able to successfully improve their overall wellbeing while also finding a sense of balance by practicing yoga.
Since inception, yoga has proven to be a very effective relaxation technique. The life enriching benefits of yoga are too numerous to be ignored especially for expecting mothers. Some of the many overall benefits of prenatal yoga include:

Improved sleep,
Reduced risk of prenatal depression,
Overcoming stress and anxiety
Increased stamina, focus and flexibility of muscles as the uterus enlarges with baby weight.
Relief from common pregnancy discomforts – nausea, breathlessness, and back pain.
Enhanced connection with the little one growing inside you.
Staying physically fit during pregnancy and post delivery.

Asanas are the most suitable and safest prenatal yoga poses. Let’s take a look at some popular ones and their specific benefits.
Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)
This is a much needed body stretch that works in opening up the hips. It also increases stamina and strengthens the legs. Pose can be practiced from 1st trimester.
Method:  Stand straight with feet wide apart; bend right leg at the knee 90 degrees while extending the left leg sideways. With arms stretched out to the sides palms down, raise your left arm upwards and stretch it right above your head. Ensure to keep arm straight.
Bend your right hand at the elbow and place it on right knee. Inhale and hold pose for at least 60 seconds. Exhale and return to start position. Reverse legs and repeat pose.
Hero Pose (Virasana) with Goddess Arms
This pose helps with swollen legs while also very effective in improving posture, and relieving tension in upper shoulder and neck. It strengthens the arms, shoulders and upper back too in preparation for the many hours you’ll spend carrying your baby.
Method: In a kneeling position (pad knees with a folded blanket/towel for comfort) with inner knees together and thighs parallel to the floor, position feet slightly wider than hips. Lean upper body forward slightly while sitting your hips in between your feet (use a pillow as props). Rest weight evenly between feet and inhale. Extend your arms out to sides and bend elbows slightly with palms facing up. Hold position for 1 – 2 minutes. Lift arms higher and hold pose for 5 minutes.
The Sleeping Abdominal Stretch Yoga Pose (Supta Udarakarshan Asana)
Want a pose to ease stiffness in your spine? Try this out! It’ll also help in improving digestion. This is quite handy in seeing you through 2nd and 3rd trimester without hassles.
Method: Lying down on your back, place both hands beneath head with fingers interlocked. Bend knees ensuring the soles of your feet are on the ground. Turn your head to the left and legs to the right in one fluid stretching motion to produce a twist at the waist (you should feel your spine stretching). Repeat this sequence on other side with lowering of the legs towards left and moving the head towards the right.

How to Get Fit Without Joining a Gym

 People have different reasons why they would not go to a gym even though we all really need the benefits of exercising. I avoid gyms because I am afraid to make the financial commitment and not end up going. It does not help that the really good gyms can be a bit pricey for my financial situation. Some other people have no gyms close by or are shy to exercise in front of people.
I got your back. Here are some ways to get fit without a gym!
Get a Personal Trainer
This may not be cost effective for some people depending on the trainer. I tried this recently and it worked (even though for a few weeks before the lazy bug and excuse train caught up to me). It helps to have a trainer that stays in your neighborhood. You can be flexible with time and you don’t even have to leave the house.
Create your own Boot camp
Boot camp-style workouts are a lot of fun.
Try this circuit: jumping jacks, lunges, high knees, push-ups, triceps dips (off a bench or curb), and sit-ups. Do each exercise for 60 to 90 seconds; rest in between exercises as needed. Repeat the whole thing two or three times.
You can watch these moves online and repeat them. You need good pair of sneakers for this.
Take a Walk and a Run

Walking is an easy way to stay in shape because it requires only a pair of supportive shoes and it is something you can do pretty much anywhere.
 Running burns more calories than almost any other cardio activity, but it can be boring on a treadmill or along the same old neighborhood route. Try different routes as often as possible. Changing up your speed challenges your body so you burn more calories—and it keeps the workout interesting.
P.s – Avoid stray dogs early in the morning and late at night.
Take a Hike (To Get Fit)
Yes hiking is different from walking. Grab some friends, lace up your sneakers, and get your hike on! The scenery and feeling of accomplishment after your hike are so much better than an afternoon at the gym.
How about a road trip? Ever climbed Olumo Rock? Hiked through Lekki Conservation Centre?
Take Advantage of Online Discounts
Visit online sites, there are dance classes, zumba even gym memberships at discounted prices. Put your social media presence to good use; keep your eyes peeled for great fitness deals. Taking advantage of these deals is a great way to try something new and keep your workouts exciting!
Turn Chores into a Workout
Tackling your chores and burning calories at the same time? Talk about killing two birds with one stone! The key to turning your cleaning activities into a workout is focusing on the ones that have the highest calorie burn, like scrubbing the tub or vacuuming. To get yourself in the right mindset, throw on your sneakers and put on some upbeat music. If you want a real challenge, do some push-ups or squats every time a new song starts to play

Fun Sports That Can Help You Lose Weight

You’ve been trying to lose weight for so long that I am sure you’ve been told to exercise. Well, you would if it were fun. Fear no more, we are here to help with that. Here’s a list of a few exercises that are fun to do which would most importantly help you stay fit, healthy and lose weight. Make a fitfam date and call your friends and family to join you.
1.Hula Hoops
By hula hooping you can burn up to 600 calories an hour. One can say it’s hard hula hooping for an hour but remember the goal here. It can be privately done in your room. Use a weighted hoop or a lighter hoop depending on how good you are at it. The elderly can try it too. Put on some music and you are ready to go. This could make for some cool Snapchat videos.
Buy a Frisbee, get some friends or if you have a dog, even better. All the throwing, catching and running will help your body. In fact, a 30-minute game can burn nearly 125 calories for a person that weighs 75 kilos. And it needn’t be a Frisbee, you could use a volleyball. Please don’t break your neighbour’s belongings. Use a field or open space.
I know you’ve heard this before, and it sounds like too much work to be fun, but it can be. Plan with a group of friends and take off through proposed route every weekend for a few hours. You can trek to a spot and have a picnic and play a few games. It is not only an opportunity to exercise but also a way to bond with your friends. Nowadays, many adventure groups organize trekking trips.
Swimming is one of the best cardiovascular exercises. And who doesn’t like to splash some water around? Make it even more fun by playing some water volleyball or a game of catch.
Who doesn’t like to bust a move when music comes on? You can attend classes to learn different styles or just connect speakers to your phone or iPod shikenah! From pole dance workout (rekindle the romance in the bedroom).
Zumba the Latin-inspired dance (quickly check to follow videos on the internet), Belly dancing – a quick way to burn belly fat and develop abs, to Twerking- get in touch with you inner Miley Cyrus drop down and get your eagle on! This seductive workout is meant to tone your core, glutes, hips and thigh muscles.

Chicken or Beef?

Have you ever been at a crossroads deciding which meat is best for you?
Meats are a great source of animal protein. But first, let’s get the word meat clarified. Often misunderstood by many, meat isn’t only cow meat. Meat can be the edible flesh and food source of any animal (mammal or bird) – cow, goat, sheep, pig, chicken, etc. Meats from all these animals have specific names. The most common edible ones in Nigeria are cow/ bull – beef, goat – chevon, sheep (ram) – mutton, pig – pork, chicken – chicken, and turkey – turkey.
Meat names sorted; do you know they’ve got their various health benefits too? The question then is – which is healthier? Beef and chicken are both excellent sources of protein and different vitamins and minerals. Let’s take a quick glance at their benefits.

Beef is a typical red meat and considered unhealthy due to the high concentration of iron it carries. Saturated fats in beef can elevate your risk of high cholesterol, heart disease, and other cardiovascular issues. Numerous studies have also indicated that high consumption of red and processed meats may lead to increased risk of certain cancers. But do you know that individual portions of lean beef have a high percentage of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats?
Healthy fatty acids like stearic acid are found in beef from grass-fed cows. This saturated fat works in lowering cholesterol by reducing intestinal cholesterol absorption. It also helps in warding off heart diseases by preventing the formation of fatty deposits within arteries and arterial clotting.
There’s more! Grass-fed cows are amongst the best possible source of Conjugate Linoleic Acid (CLA), a unique type of fatty acid that can’t be produced by our bodies but gotten only from food. The saturated fatty acid is potent in combating certain cancers, inflammation, asthma, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and a host of many other health conditions.  It’s also known to burn body fats correctly, increase metabolic rate and preserve muscle tissues. Amazing, right?

Chicken, also classified as white meat, comes loaded with nutrients and is a top source of low-fat animal protein. Usually the go-to meat for weight watchers, chicken has been labelled to be healthier and lower in cholesterol than beef. But on the contrary, chicken isn’t 100% healthier. Chicken does have fat too.
Though stored differently and in various parts of their bodies than cows, their fats are stored under the skin and in their wings and thighs. A portion of chicken meat in these areas may be as detrimental as consuming fatty beef. The leanest and healthiest part of a chicken is the breast area which has no fat deposit.
If watching your cholesterol and aiming to improve your chances at optimal health, lean proteins like skinless chicken/turkey, fish, or beans are great options. As for beef, you’ve seen the benefits so choose fresh lean cuts and of course, avoid processed meat. Whatever your choice of meat, cooking methods extremely matter when considering healthy eating.
So what would it be – beef or chicken?

Three Exercise That Accentuate Your Curves

Currently, there is an increasing number of women who are concerned about their looks. The infatuation of having a rounder and bigger butt has steadily increased over the past few years.
Specifically, many want to know the best butt and body shaping exercises so that they can increase the size of their butt and hips but which won’t affect their waist size. The good news is that some exercises can increase the size of your behind and give your body shape. 
Butt And Hips Shaping Exercises          

Squats are one of the best exercises you can do on how to get a bigger butt, thighs and hips. Squats are the top recommended for experts. Squats will concentrate in stimulating the growth of muscles from your butt area. This mainly targets the Gluteus Maximus muscle.
 Aside from increasing the size of your butt, squats will also tone the muscles in your thighs and some in your legs.  To perform squats, what you just need to do is to stand straight and assume the proper posture of the back. Once you are positioned this way, slowly bend your knees without altering the alignment of your spinal cord, then consider standing position again slowly. You can do five repetitions for about three sets. Surely, this will provide firmness on the muscles of your butt.
Squeezes help you get the desired hourglass figure and can be done in the comfort of your home without any equipment. To perform squeezes, you should press or tight your butt in as tight as you can. Hold it in and then let loose. Keep repeating this exercise for a few minutes. Doing this several times a day will help to strengthen your muscles in the buttocks and firm your butt. Over the time you will have a rounded behind, and this will also make your hips wider.

Dancing tones and tightens muscle groups like the hips and waist. Dancing will even help you burn a considerable amount of calories. The dance forms which you can select to incorporate into your daily routine to make hips wider and body shapelier naturally include belly dancing and of course twerking.
Women on the skinny side need to eat a more balanced diet to add more flesh since exercising alone wouldn’t work. Eat healthy fats, protein and carbs. You can even incorporate protein powders into your diets.

Relaxing Pressure Points For Self-Massage

Stress is an inevitable feature of our ordinary everyday lives and being able to deal with it aptly is quite fundamental. When I feel stressed, the first thing that comes to mind is massage. You know why? Massage does wonders for sore muscles.
The act of rubbing parts of the body is a very efficient old-age healing practice for relaxation. It enhances circulation and improves motion in joints. Massage significantly decreases levels of the stress hormone. However due to time constraint, a visit to the spa for a full body massage often seems more like a fantasy than reality. Have you ever been in a similar situation?

Here’s some great news! You can treat yourself to some self-massage. Whether trying to sleep at home, or stuck in traffic or having a rough day at work, there are certain areas in the body known to correspond to the pressure that you can massage to bring an overwhelming feeling of relaxation within minutes. These areas are sensitive and when stimulated, promote relief from pain, tension and stress. Habitually used in massage therapy, this technique is a vital part of Chinese traditional medicine. Love to know these areas? Let’s check out a few easy ones:
Your temple – that flat part of your skull next to your eyes – is easy to reach pressure point. Just apply direct pressure on both sides of your head working in a slow circular motion. Move your fingertips slightly inwards and gently move around your temple toward your brows (sides of your head). The stress gradually fades as you do this. Massaging this point also helps to relieve headaches considerably.
The base where your smallest finger intersects with the crease of your wrist is called Shenmen. Also known as spirit gate or H7, this acupressure point is great for relieving tension. Apply pressure generously for about 60minutes with your thumb on this point. Energy levels will decrease, and you’ll sleep a lot better.
Another useful pressure point that helps with sleep and anxiety is Neiguan (inner gate). To locate it, measure three fingers down from your wrist; right there is this acupoint. Apply firm pressure to this point with your thumb, gently kneading in a circular motion for at least 2 minutes. Try this on both wrists and you’ll feel less tight and anxious almost immediately. It works in relieving nausea too!
Standing all day and feel strained in your feet? There’s a pressure point exactly below the ball of your foot. Sitting with a leg crossed over the other, rest your foot on your knee and firmly press the centre of your foot with your thumb. Ensure to hold on this acupressure point and gently massage for at least 2 minutes until you feel relaxed, rested and amazingly energised.
Looking real convenient, right? When next you need to relax, try these out and enjoy some tranquillity within your body almost instantly.

Health Benefits Of Your Favourite Nigerian Vegetables

Abundantly blessed with vegetation, Nigeria has an enormous array of agricultural produce, and top on this list of food produce are leafy greens. Amazingly rich in vitamins and antioxidants, these healthy fresh vegetables form the basis of most Nigerian soups and quite many dishes.
Having a fair knowledge of the nourishing power of these greens will to a large extent help you adequately harness them. Without much ado, let’s have a look at some of the most popular green vegetables that grace the table in most Nigerian homes.
Ugwu (Telfairia Occidentalis)

Indigenous to Southern Nigeria and also called fluted pumpkin or fluted gourd, this leafy green is an attractive commodity for many cuisines, home and abroad. Like all other dark leafy greens, ugwu leaves are loaded with outstanding antioxidant properties, dietary fibre and quality levels of Vitamins A, B2, C and K. Other nutrients such as calcium, copper, iron, potassium, zinc and traces of folic acid and manganese are equally found in these leaves.
Ugwu is known to be anti-inflammatory while also possessing several incredible preventive and healing capacities.
Ewedu (Corchorus)

This is another green leafy with lots of nutrients and health gains. Slimy in nature when cooked, this leafy green is a favourite amongst the Yorubas and in many other non-Yoruba homes and the North. The Hausas call it Rama Ayoyo.
Also loaded with antioxidants and Vitamins A, C and E, ewedu replenishes and prevents cell damage from free radicals; and can protect your body from several degenerative diseases. Weight loss, firm lustrous skin, improved eyesight, strong bones and healthy teeth, immunity boost, and healthy bowel movement are some of the numerous advantages of including jute leaves in your diet regularly.
Scent Leaves (Ocimum gratissimum)

The leaves with the many names – that’s how I refer to this versatile nutritious leafy green. The English call it Basil, Yorubas call it Efirin, the Ibos Nchanwu, and even the Hausas have a name for it – Daidoya. True to its name, scent leaves are prominent for their distinct aroma, one of the many reasons it’s an essential condiment in Peppersoup and several other dishes.
Beyond that, they are highly laden with beta-carotene antioxidants, calcium, phosphorous, iron and vitamins A, K and C. Thus often used for natural curative purposes – from the treatment of bacterial infections, STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections), to diabetes and several gastrointestinal ailments. Regular intake of Efirin lowers your cholesterol levels and provides numerous essential nutrients required for optimal health.